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Programista Ruby on Rails - niemiecki - klient z Szwajcarii - 14.000 PLN - 17.000 PLN


@UnectAga wrote:

Dla jednego z naszych klientów z Szwajcarii poszukujemy doświadczonego programisty Ruby on Rails - platforma internetowa dedykowana branży nieruchomości stworzona w Ruby on Rails.


o dobra znajomość j. niemieckiego pozwalająca na czytanie ze zrozumieniem dokumentacji i source-code produktów (przynajmniej poziom B1/B2) – warunek konieczny

o znajomość księgowości (rozumienie terminów z zakresu księgowości) – warunek konieczny

o znajomość branży nieruchomości (znajomość podstawowych terminów z tego zakresu) – mile widziane


o wynagrodzenie 14.000 PLN - 17.000 PLN netto B2B (w zależności od Twojego

o pracę remote (2-3 tyg. pobyt u klienta - wdrożenie do projektu)

o długoterminową współpracę

o pracę w zespole ekspertów i dla międzynarodowych klientów

o imprezy integracyjne

o budżet na książki/konferencje

CV (w języku angielskim lub niemieckim) prosimy kierować na adres jobs@unect.de z dopiskiem: Programista RoR Szwajcaria.

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[Kraków]Lead Full Stack Ruby Engineer @ Railsware; 10.0k-16.5k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Lead Full Stack Ruby Engineer @ Railsware

Location: Krakow POL
Employment Type: Other
Start Date: The sooner the better
Salary (gross): 10.0k-16.5k PLN / Month
Category: Fullstack
Project Industry: Various consultancy and own products
Company Size: 50+
Project Team Size: 2+ / may vary (we usually start with at least 1 pair of engineers)

- Databases
- RSpec/TDD
- Ruby
- React/Other JS framework

- DevOps
- JavaScript
- UNIX/Linux

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[Dobra Agencja/ Warszawa] Ruby / JRuby Software Engineer (10k - 15k PLN)


@tomasz.ganski wrote:

:nerd: Ruby / JRuby Software Engineer
:money_with_wings: 10 000 - 15 000 PLN netto
:earth_africa: Dobra Agencja | Lindleya 16, Warszawa
:desktop: http://oferty.dobraagencja.com

:point_right: Wymagania:
:arrow_right: Ruby :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: JRuby :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Ruby on Rails :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Elasticsearch :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: activeMQ :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Puppet :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: MySQL / PostgreSQL :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:

Your main responsibilities:
● Writing clean, maintainable and efficient code for enterprise back-end services.
● Designing scalable and secure features in collagoration with team members;
● Deliver successfully on all aspects of the product lifecycle.

Qualifications we'd like you to have:
● A minimum of 3 years of experience with Ruby programming language;
● Practical experience with Ruby on Rails;
● Interest in other JVM languages (Clojure, Kotlin, Scala);
● Experience with relational databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle); schema design and advanced SQL queries, ElasticSearch;
● Practical experience with message queues (ActiveMQ, Apollo, RabbitMQ);
● Knowledge of Linux/Unix and IT automation tools (Puppet, Chef);
● Good writing and speaking skills in English.

Aplikuj bezpośrednio przez link poniżej :arrow_heading_down:
:fire: http://bit.ly/2DF1Pdu :fire:

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[SolveQ/ Sopot] Senior Ruby Engineer (15k - 20k PLN)


@tomasz.ganski wrote:

:nerd: Senior Ruby Engineer
:money_with_wings: 15 000 - 20 000 PLN netto
:earth_africa: SolveQ | 23 Marca, Sopot
:desktop: http://solveq.io

:point_right: Wymagania:
:arrow_right: Ruby on Rails :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: English (at least B2) :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Ruby :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Git :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Angular.JS :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Node.js :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: JavaScipt :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Docker :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: ReactJS :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:

Who we need is:
* you have at least 3 years of working experience in Ruby/Rails
* you know that database is also something that developer have to understand
* you can easily communicate in English ,
* you do not need supervision, but is more like to learn others
* you have worked with pair programming or code reviews

Aplikuj bezpośrednio przez link poniżej :arrow_heading_down:
:fire: http://bit.ly/2BFrUs6 :fire:

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Talented senior backend developers (Wroclaw or Remote)


@AdvantageTec wrote:

About us
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area- we are a fast-paced, high-growth technology company that provides retail automotive dealerships with a better way to merchandise services to in-store customers. The AdvantageTec creates the most simple and intelligent texting platform for automotive dealerships in the US.

Each AdvantageTec team member shares an enthusiasm for helping customers improve performance using our best–in-industry solutions. We are committed to improving our products and its end-user experience and in line with this; we are currently in search of an experienced Ruby developer to join our backend development team in Wroclaw (Poland). We are an amazing organization and we would love to have you as our next team member.

Preferred requirements:
· Understand Ruby and have 2+ years of experience with Rails
· Have a decisive analytical thinking and problem-solving skills
· Understand TDD and that tests are important
· Speak fluent English
· Understand the best GIT procedures and are willing to use them without hesitation

Basic requirements:
· Capable of using node.js and rust sub service
· Know the usefulness of Kafka, RabbitMQ, Elixir, and Phoenix
· Have a decent understanding and practical knowledge of Domain Driven concept and PostgreSQL respectively
· Should be capable of extending object-oriented programming to more than just animals’ voices
· Understand how Redis and Memcached scales operate and how to apply best parts of functional programming into Ruby application
· Have experience in the use of agile and lean development methodologies
· Understand API requirement for distributed services and should be capable of introducing best practices for designing RESTful API

Why work with us
· Competitive salary and stock options
· Flexible terms of employment
· Working on top-notch technologies for us and your personal IT development
· Conducive work environment
· Adequate support on the job while working with an outstanding and growing team
· Adequate tools and resources for up skills and continuous career development

I bet this job vacancy sounds enticing and all you need to get started is already stated in the requirements. Do not hesitate to APPLY NOW as we are only open to receiving a limited number of applications. Kindly include , links to LinkedIn and Github profile pages are welcome and you can also reach us on at dev@advantagetec.com for more information.


Good Luck!

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[UNECT / Zdalnie] Ruby on Rails Developer [7000 PLN - 17000+ PLN] - region DACH


@unect wrote:

Jesteśmy software housem, który realizuje projekty RoR dla klientów z regionu DACH (Niemcy, Austria, Szwajcaria). Rozpoczynamy nowe projekty i poszukujemy doświadczonych Seniorów RoR, a także deweloperów z nieco krótszym stażem (3+ lata).

Realizujemy projekty zarówno dla korporacji jak i również dla start-upów. Skupiamy się głównie na projektach dużych/długoterminowych (min. 6+ miesięcy). Praca zdalna “remote” jest u nas standardem, jednak przy niektórych projektach konieczny jest onboarding u klienta na miejscu.

Na co zwracamy uwagę przy rekrutacji? (tj. wymagania):

Dla nas bardzo ważne jest, że:

  • posiadasz doświadczenie przy komercyjnych projektach w RoR (3+ lata)
  • masz doświadczenie w pracy remote i - mocno z tym związane - masz duże poczucie odpowiedzialności
  • jesteś otwartą osobą, która nie boi się wyzwań oraz potrafi rozwiązywać problemy (proaktywność)


  • cechujesz się bardzo dobrą znajomością j. angielskiego (lub niemieckiego)
  • masz doświadczenie w pracy w międzynarodowym zespole
  • jesteś osobą, która lubi się ciągle rozwijać (oczywiście zawodowo, ale także w kontekście prywatnym)

Duży plus:

  • lubisz kraje niemieckojęzyczne :slight_smile:
  • znasz język niemiecki na takim poziomie, że potrafisz się nim posługiwać w projekcie (rozumiesz tickety, dokumentację itp.)
  • jesteś chętny, żeby się regularnie spotykać z zespołem i także z klientem zagranicznym

Nasza oferta dla Ciebie:

  • Podstawa: atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie - widełki 7k-17k+ na B2B (w wyjątkowych przypadkach oczywiście możliwe jest wynagrodzenie poza widełkami)

  • Związane z powyżej opisanym:

    • projekty dla międzynarodowych klientów z regionu DACH
    • długoterminowa współpraca w międzynarodowym zespole ekspertów
    • wyjazdy za granicę
    • kodowanie remote (lub - jeśli chcesz - w biurze na Stadionie Narodowym)
    • nie tylko wymagamy, ale też zachęcamy Cię / wspieramy Twój rozwój (nie tylko w formie $$, ale też)
    • elastyczne godziny pracy. możesz chętnie pracować stricte 9-17, ale rzadko tego wymagamy
    • imprezy integracyjne

Uwaga: Nie oferujemy świeżych owoców, ale zachęcamy do zdrowego odżywiania.

CV (oraz pytania co do ogłoszenia/procesu rekrutacyjnego, jeśli takie są) prosimy kierować na adres jobs@unect.de z dopiskiem: Programista RoR DACH.

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Participants: 1

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[Headway] Ruby, Javascript; 7-15k PLN


@majkel wrote:

Headwayapp.co to "changelog jako usługa" - bardzo fajny SaaS który ma już swój pierwszy sukces w postaci kilkuset płatnych klientów za sobą. Teraz chcę zainwestować w jego rozwój i szukam ambitnego Programisty/Programistki który pomoże mi zamienić ten poboczny projekt w coś poważniejszego :slight_smile:

Kilka fajnych rzeczy o aplikacji:

  • dużo fajnych klientów
  • najnowsze railsy
  • testy systemowe
  • docker od developmentu po produkcję
  • aktualnie zamieniam hosting w DigitalOcean na AWS + terraform
  • duży ruch (aktualnie > 100 rps)
  • graphql

Aktualnie jestem jedynym programistą. W najbliższym czasie będę potrzebował kogoś kto z przyjemnością popracuje we frontendzie :slight_smile:

- bardzo dobra znajomość HTML/CSS
- bardzo dobra znajomość Javascript
- doświadczenie z webpackiem
- co najmniej dobra znajomość Ruby
- znajomość React/Vue.js
- biegła znajomość angielskiego

Plusy za:
- doświadczenie w projektowaniu UX/UI
- basha
- redisa
- dockera

Praca od zaraz, w pełni zdalna, bardzo elastyczny czas pracy. Jest dużo rzeczy przy których przyda mi się pomoc, stąd duża rozpiętość widełek :slight_smile:

Wszystko co pomoże w podjęciu decyzji można wysyłać na hello@headwayapp.co.

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[Nopio | Kraków] Full Stack Developer Internship [2000-2500PLN/month]


@natm wrote:

Szukasz stażu na wakacje 2018? Dołącz do naszego zespołu doświadczonych programistów i ucz się poprzez pracę na prawdziwych projektach, tworzonych dla prawdziwych klientów.

Szukamy ludzi którzy są zainteresowani programowaniem i już zrobili pierwsze kroki w tym kierunku.

Nopio to zespół specjalistów IT zajmujących się projektowaniem, budową, integracją i wdrażaniem aplikacji internetowych głównie dla klientów biznesowych z USA.

Jak będzie wyglądać staż:

  • Możesz zacząć w dowolnym momencie pomiędzy kwietniem a czerwcem, ale nie później niż 1 lipca.
  • Staż trwa minimum 2 do 3 miesięcy.
  • Praca na pełny etat.
  • Dostępne do 2 tygodni urlopu.
  • Wynagrodzenie 2000-2500 PLN netto (na rękę) miesięcznie.

* Znajomości podstaw Ruby, PHP, C# lub innych podobnych języków.
* Angielski przynajmniej na poziomie B2.
* Umiejętności pracy w zespole.

Co oferujemy:
* Nauka różnorodnych technologii:
- Ruby/RoR, PHP, JavaScript, ReactJS, Blockchain.
- MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
- Solr, Elasticsearch.
- Git.
* Pracę pod okiem doświadczonych specjalistów.
* Sprzęt do pracy.
* Klimatyzowane biuro w dobrze skomunikowanej lokalizacji, możliwością parkingu, sklepami i restauracją/barem.
* Przekąski, napoje, środowa pizza.
* Dla najlepszych możliwość zatrudnienia.

Zainteresowany? Wyślij nam swoje CV na internship@nopio.com

Dane firmy:
Piotr Nowak Nopio
os. Bohaterów Września 1/31
31-620 Kraków
NIP: 678-278-28-75
Regon: 121129190

Dane kontaktowe:
ul. Franciszka Kniaźnina 12/102
31-637 Krakow, Poland

Posts: 3

Participants: 2

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[Indoorway/ Warszawa] Ruby Engineer (7k-12k PLN)


@tomasz.ganski wrote:

:money_with_wings: 7 000 - 12 000 PLN netto
:earth_africa: Indoorway | Pl. Europejski 2, Warszawa
:desktop: https://www.indoorway.com/

:point_right: Wymagania:
:arrow_right: Ruby :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Ruby on Rails :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: Git :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: RSpec :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right: postgreSQL :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:

:point_right: Czego oczekujemy:
- dobrej znajomości Ruby oraz PostgreSQL
- znajomości technik optymalizacyjnych/wykrywania gdzie można poprawić wydajność
- umiejętności rozwiązywania problemów
- wysokiej motywacji i zaangażowania
- doświadczenia w korzystaniu z GIT-a.

:point_right: Dodatkowe umiejętności, które się przydadzą:
- znajomość PostGIS-a
- zainteresowanie tematyką bezpieczeństwa.

:point_right: Nice to have:
:arrow_right: PostGIS :small_orange_diamond:

Aplikuj bezpośrednio przez link poniżej :arrow_heading_down:
:fire: http://bit.ly/2Gd36Pn :fire:

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[DeepCrawl/Kraków] - Ruby Developer


@lou_sloane wrote:

Hey! We're DeepCrawl, the world’s most comprehensive website crawler. We provide actionable data by identifying and monitoring key issues that could affect SEO performance. We empower our clients to optimize their websites for users and search engines alike.

We have recently opened an office in Krakow and are looking for ambitious and passionate Ruby Dev's to join our small team there.

We have a culture of learning, working hard, and having fun. We can offer an exciting opportunity for you to build great features for our award-winning software. You'll have a great opportunity to learn how to build a complex Ruby application, as well as the opportunity to use 10% of your time to learn or build anything you want.

A great team environment supports us in building great technology. We’re always exploring new ideas and tech. Our stack now includes Ruby, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Spark, MongoDB, a sophisticated API using Sinatra, and a front end in React.

● A deep knowledge of Ruby
● Solid professional development experience
● Solid experience with modern testing practice
● Excellent verbal and written communications skills (in English)
● Passionate and ambitious, with the ability to collaborate with others
● Ability to work independently

Why work for DeepCrawl?
● We're a rapidly growing start-up with cutting edge technology
● Raised Series A from prominent VC backers
● An international business, with clients all over the world and offices across London, New York and Poland
● Exciting shared office building with a work-out area, bike storage, a play room, and kitchen
● Flexible working from home & remote working policy
● Potential to travel to other offices
● Annual personal training budget
● 10% of work time to be spent on own projects
● Encouraged to learn and develop new skills
● Company trips

Employment Contract (UoP) - PLN 7800 - 10,700 Brutto

Office Location & Info
DeepCrawl sp. z o.o.
Aleja Pokoju 1a lok. 23, 31-548 Kraków
(NIP): 9442258562
(REGON): 36933182

Please contact Louise Sloane for more information and CV applications on louise.sloane@deepcrawl.com

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[Poznań, Kraków, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Wrocław]Ruby on Rails Developer @ Netguru; 6.5k-8.5k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby on Rails Developer @ Netguru

Location: Poznań, Kraków, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Wrocław POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 6.5k-8.5k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Software House
Company Size: 300+
Project Team Size: min 3/may vary

- Rspec
- Ruby on Rails
- Databases
- Sass/HAML
- Software Architecture

- Open source
- Some JS framework

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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Participants: 1

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[Poznań, Kraków, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Wrocław ]Senior Ruby on Rails Developer @ Netguru; 10.5k-15.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer @ Netguru

Location: Poznań, Kraków, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Wrocław POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 10.5k-15.0k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Software House
Company Size: 300+
Project Team Size: min 3/may vary

- Databases
- Rspec
- Ruby on Rails
- Sass/HAML
- Software Architecture

- Continuous Integration
- Open source
- React.js

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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Participants: 1

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[Białystok]Ruby on Rails Developer @ Intratel; 7.0k-11.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby on Rails Developer @ Intratel

Location: Białystok POL
Employment Type: Permanent
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (gross): 7.0k-11.0k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: IT/Cloud
Company Size: 25+
Project Team Size: min 3, max 6 (may vary)

- RSpec
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Clean Code
- PostgreSQL

- JavaScript
- Angular
- Node.js
- RabbitMQ

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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Participants: 1

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[Hivetec/Sydney/Remote] - Senior RoR Developer 14-18k PLN


@hung wrote:


ponownie poszukujemy Senior developerów pracujących zdalnie (część opisu i dane kontaktowe się zmieniły od ostatniego ogłoszenia).

Jeżeli planujesz przenieść się do słonecznego Sydney, to możemy porozmawiać o wizie sponsorowanej.
Firma posiada własny produkt CRM, który współpracuje z rządowym system pomocy dla osób bezrobotnych. Mamy ciekawy stack: Ruby on Rails 5, OpenStack, AWS, Docker, Node, Redis, CasperJS.

Nasz zespół to 8 programistów.

* Bardzo dobra znajomość Ruby
* Dobra znajomość relacyjnych baz danych
* Komunikatywna znajomość języka angielskiego
* Umiejętność pracy o 6 rano :wink:
* Chęć do rozwoju i nauki

Dodatkowe atuty:
* Javascript i CasperJS

* Senior - 14-18k PLN

* Ciekawy i zaawansowany produkt
* Interesujące technologie
* Elastyczne godziny pracy (pierwsze 4h muszą być w godzinach 6-10 kiedy reszta zespołu jest dostępna w Sydney)

* Duża różnica czasowa
* Produkt ma kilka lat także mimo tego, że staramy się czyścić i optymalizować kod to nie jest to świeży startup. Z drugiej strony zarządzanie takim projektem to dobre doświadczenie

Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany / zainteresowana zapraszam do kontaktu (robert.krzysztoforski@hivetec.com.au).

Dane firmy:
Hivetec Pty Ltd.
L3 1 Bligh Street
Sydney NSW 2000

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Participants: 1

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Front-end Developer [Wrocław or Berlin] Infopark AG [8500-13000 PLN Brutto]


@Conni wrote:

Infopark has been shaping the success of its partners in the web for two decades now. Today we are a young platform provider and assist our partners in the development of dialogue-oriented websites with Ruby on Rails.

At Infopark we are the first CMS manufacturer to offer the possibility to develop and operate websites in the cloud. The Infopark product is a platform consisting of CMS, WebCRM and infrastructure. It is provided as RubyGem and as REST-API and subsequently completes the RoR Stack for professional developers.

Infopark has won numerous awards for this technology.

What is waiting for you at Infopark?
You will design easy-to-use interfaces and customer websites, both for Web and Mobile - but always mobile first. Internally you will work with an excellent team that is eager to make your ideas happen; externally you will work with very demanding marketers and stakeholders.

What should you bring to the table?
* You have an expert understanding of core front-end technologies (Javascript, HTML5, CSS3).
* You have expert knowledge of front-end frameworks such as jQuery, Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Sass experience is a plus.
* You have advanced knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator, experience with Sketch is a plus.
* You have a good understanding of source-control systems, experience with Git is a plus.
* You know how to ensure cross-browser functionality and optimization for mobile devices.
* You think in user interactions rather then in still graphics.
* You prefer to work in fast communicating, agile teams.
* Your English is not just ‘ok', you have a very good command of the English language (oral and written).
* You are looking for something longer term and want to stay with us for many years.
* You value flexible hours and workplaces as well as a beautiful office.
* You want to live in the two best cities ever, Berlin or Wroclaw.

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.

We offer:
* highly competitive pay
* regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
* no time tracking
* no fixed office hours
* no fixed workplace but fancy offices
* free language classes in english and german
* generous holiday schedule
* an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
* weekly lunches and breakfasts
* a kitchen for cooking
* free books
* free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
* regular company social events
* free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
* for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
* state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.

We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now!:grin:

Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Full Stack DevOps Engineer [Wrocław or Berlin] Infopark AG [8500-13000 PLN Brutto]


@Conni wrote:

Infopark has been shaping the success of its partners in the web for two decades now. Today we are a young platform provider and assist our partners in the development of dialogue-oriented websites with Ruby on Rails.
At Infopark we are the first CMS manufacturer to offer the possibility to develop and operate websites in the cloud. The Infopark product is a platform consisting of CMS, WebCRM and infrastructure. It is provided as RubyGem and as REST-API and subsequently completes the RoR Stack for professional developers.

Infopark has won numerous awards for this technology.

Your Responsibilities
* You design, code, launch and maintain interactive applications
* You deploy these applications to AWS and make use of its services ecosystem
* You'll monitor and automate deployment tasks and are responsible for scalability and availability
* You learn from your team as well as keep yourself up to date in software technologies
* You create web applications for companies and organisations worldwide
* You help our clients to improve their websites and applications, their digital communication and to digitalize their organisations in order to adapt to today’s fast-paced digital world
* You work within an agile team

Your Experience
* Building, maintaining and optimizing web applications
* Advanced knowledge of Ruby on Rails
* Proficiency in JavaScript (especially React.js and ES6) is a plus
* Designing and working with APIs for web services
* Deploying web applications on cloud services (especially AWS) and using their service oriented offerings
* Developing scalable web services in distributed computing architectures
* Working knowledge of search technologies (such as ElasticSearch), databases (SQL and NoSQL) and web development (HTML5/CSS3) with modern frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, …)
* Experience with content management systems and/or e-commerce solutions is a plus
* Building software as part of a distributed test-driven agile DevOps team, including code reviews, feature branching, continuous integration, etc.
* English language skills are at minimum intermediate level, both written and spoken, preferable better
* We care about talent, skills, and continuous self improvement and not how you've acquired these qualities – university, code school or self-thought

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.

We offer:
* highly competitive pay
* regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
* no time tracking
* no fixed office hours
* no fixed workplace but fancy offices
* free language classes in english and german
* generous holiday schedule
* an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
* weekly lunches and breakfasts
* a kitchen for cooking
* free books
* free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
* regular company social events
* free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
* for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
* state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.

We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now! :slight_smile:

Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Ruby-on-Rails Developer Senior & Junior [Wrocław] Infopark AG [8500-13000PLN]


@Conni wrote:

Your New Mission
You have a passion for developing software. No matter if you have the talent and still on the way to become a development guru or if you already are a professional and want to achieve the next level: In this job, you will work together with a world class team of developers who share your passion for software development in general and Ruby on Rails and JavaScript development in particular. We are looking for Ruby on Rails/JS developers working on projects as well as contributing to our own established SaaS offerings. The projects usually have a one to six month timeline while the work on our products is ongoing. Many of our products and projects develop and work with bleeding edge technologies and go where no programmer has gone before.

Your Responsibilities
You design, code, launch and maintain Ruby on Rails applications
You learn from your team as well as keep yourself up to date in software technologies
You create web applications for companies and organisations worldwide
You help our clients to improve their web sites and -applications, their digital communication and to digitalize their organisations in order to adapt to today’s fast-paced digital world
You work within an agile team

Your Experience
Building, maintaining and optimizing web applications
Advanced knowledge of Ruby on Rails
Proficiency in JavaScript (especially React.js and ES6) is a plus
Designing and working with APIs for web services
Deploying web applications on cloud services (especially AWS) and using their service oriented offerings
Developing scalable web services in distributed computing architectures
Working knowledge of search technologies (such as ElasticSearch), databases (SQL and NoSQL) and web development (HTML5/CSS3) with modern frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, …)
Experience with content management systems and/or e-commerce solutions is a plus
Building software as part of a distributed test-driven agile DevOps team, including code reviews, feature branching, continuous integration, etc.
English language skills are at minimum intermediate level, both written and spoken, preferable better
We care about talent, skills, and continuous self improvement and not how you've acquired these qualities – university, code school or self-thought.

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.

We offer:
highly competitive pay
regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
no time tracking
no fixed office hours
no fixed workplace but fancy offices
free language classes in english and german
generous holiday schedule
an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
weekly lunches and breakfasts
a kitchen for cooking
free books
free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
regular company social events
free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.
We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now!:smiley:

Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Kraków/inFakt/Ruby Dev/7 - 13k B2B

[Kraków / Sology] Junior/Mid Ruby Developer


@lfx wrote:


Sology, firma tworząca aplikacje internetowe poszukuje programistów Ruby, którzy dołączą do naszego zespołu:

Junior Ruby Developer
Mid (Regular) Ruby Developer

Pracujemy w branży aplikacji internetowych dla klientów z całego świata rozwijając i utrzymując dedykowane oprogramowanie w oparciu o nowoczesne technologie internetowe w ekosystemie Ruby on Rails i nie tylko. Tworzymy również własne produkty; w naszej pracy szczególnie cenimy sobie wolne i otwarte rozwiązania.

Wymagamy analitycznego umysłu, podstawowego doświadczenia w programowaniu (niekoniecznie w Ruby), znajomości technik tworzenia aplikacji internetowych oraz chęci nauki i rozwoju.

Do Twoich obowiązków będzie należało:
- rozwijanie projektów realizowanych dla naszych klientów,
- optymalizacja istniejących rozwiązań,
- wdrażanie i rozwijanie testów automatycznych.

- dowolną formę zatrudnienia,
- kreatywną pracę nad ciekawymi projektami,
- realny wpływ na rozwój naszych produktów,
- uczestnictwo w projektach open source w ramach godzin pracy,
- szerokie możliwości rozwoju osobistego i zdobywania doświadczenia,
- przytulne biuro w okolicach Rynku Głównego,
- swobodną atmosferę i elastyczne godziny pracy.

- znajomość Ruby i Ruby on Rails,
- znajomość JavaScript oraz zagadnień SQL,
- znajomość środowiska GNU/Linux / Unix / MacOS na poziomie użytkownika (dużym plusem będzie jakiekolwiek doświadczenie na poziomie administratora),
- praktyczna znajomość systemu kontroli wersji Git.

Dodatkowym atutem będzie znajomość technik TDD (RSpec) oraz umiejętności frontendowe bądź devops.

W przypadku stanowiska Mid Ruby Developer wymagane jest przynajmniej dwuletnie komercyjne doświadczenie.

Oferujemy dowolną formę zatrudnienia oraz szerokie widełki płacowe w zależności od umiejętności i doświadczenia.

Praca stacjonarna w biurze w Krakowie (okolice Rynku Głównego i Politechniki Krakowskiej). Jesteśmy elastyczni pod względem częściowej pracy zdalnej.

Zainteresowanych prosimy o przesyłanie CV na adres jobs@sology.eu

Więcej informacji: http://www.sology.eu

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Participants: 1

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[Warszawa, stacjonarnie] Senior RoR Developer @Indoorway


@anetal wrote:

Poszukujemy programisty RoR (na poziomie seniora), który dołączy do naszego zespołu Back-end'owego. Jeśli jesteś samodzielny w wykonywaniu swoich zadań i potrafisz mentorować osoby z mniejszym doświadczeniem - dołącz do nas! Jesteśmy Indoorway - zajmujemy się digitalizacją budynków, m.in. za pomocą rozwiązań opartych na mikrolokalizacji.

Czego oczekujemy:

  • bardzo dobrej znajomości Ruby oraz PostgreSQL
  • znajomości technik optymalizacyjnych/wykrywania gdzie można poprawić wydajność
  • nastawienia na tworzenie czystego kodu
  • umiejętności rozwiązywania problemów
  • chęci do dzielenia się wiedzą
  • doświadczenia w korzystaniu z GIT-a.

Dodatkowe umiejętności, które się przydadzą:

  • znajomość PostGIS-a
  • zainteresowanie tematyką bezpieczeństwa.

Dlaczego warto do nas dołączyć?

  • wynagradzamy adekwatnie do posiadanych umiejętności (12 000 - 15 000 zł netto)
  • zagwarantujemy Ci opiekę medyczną Medicover i dopłacimy do karty Multisport
  • mamy elastyczne godziny pracy
  • umożliwiamy pracę zdalną w miarę możliwości i potrzeb projektu
  • dajemy naprawdę ogromne możliwości rozwoju i pracy z nowymi technologiami
  • panuje u nas przyjacielska atmosfera (przyjdź i się przekonaj!)
  • wspólnie jeździmy na WRUG i inne meet-up'y związane z Back-end'em
  • mamy bardzo dobrze wyposażoną spiżarnię :wink: nie, to nie tylko owoce
  • rozdajemy wejściówki na konferencje w zamian za dzielenie się wiedzą
  • damy Ci dostęp do portali edukacyjnych
  • możesz uczestniczyć w gildiach technologicznych
  • pracujemy w bardzo dogodnej lokalizacji przy rondzie Daszyńskiego.

Jeżeli chcesz pracować przy projekcie, który działa w oparciu o różne technologie i sprzęt(!), to zachęcam do sprawdzenia swoich sił i przesłania CV :slight_smile:

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Participants: 1

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