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[Kraków] RUBY ON RAILS DEVELOPER; 6 000 - 12 000 PLN


@kingam wrote:

Witajcie! :slight_smile:

Czy mamy tutaj devów z bardzo dobrą znajomością RoR? Jesteście gotowi na nowe wyzwania?


Dobrze się składa! :slight_smile:

Rekrutuję obecnie dla szybko rozwijającego się startupu, pracującego na projektach dla klientów z USA i UK. Firma zlokalizowana jest w Krakowie.

Poszukujemy osób z bardzo dobrą znajomością Ruby on Rails, zainteresowanych samodzielną pracą na nowych, innowacyjnych projektach w obszarze e-Commerce i FinTech - głównie do projektu zbudowanego na Ruby on Rails 5 z wykorzystaniem Spree Commerce i bazującego na modelu subskrypcyjnym.

Firma oferuje elastyczne godziny pracy, luźną atmosferę i duże możliwości rozwoju, w tym także atrakcyjny budżet na szkolenia.

Widełki wynagrodzenia na tym stanowisku to 6000-12000 PLN netto / B2B. Przedziały są oczywiście przykładowe, a firma otwarta jest na negocjacje, także pod kątem formy współpracy.

Brzmi ciekawie? Zapraszam do kontaktu: kinga.madeja@precisionhr.pl


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[Warszawa/mfind] [5000 - 6000 PLN] Junior Ruby on Rails developer


@Bartea wrote:

Jeśli jesteś z Warszawy (lub chcesz się tutaj przeprowadzić) i rozpocząć na dobre swoją przygodę z profesjonalnym programowaniem, uwielbiasz pracę zespołową, chcesz się szybciej niż dotychczas rozwijać podnosić swoje kompetencje oraz budować konkretny produkt/usługę, którą cenią klienci to mfind jest dla Ciebie idealnym miejscem. Szukamy 3 juniorów, którzy szybko chcą przejść na poziom mid'a.

Aplikować możesz wysyłając swoje CV mój adres email b.roszkowski(at)mfind.pl.

Ofertę kieruję szczególnie do tych osób, które chciałby przyspieszyć swój rozwój. Dołączysz do 14 osobowego, doskonale zorganizowanego zespołu developerów, stosującego najnowsze technologie i najlepsze praktyki. Wejdziesz w świat programowania wyposażony w solidne podstawy. Jesteś zainteresowany? Napisz do mnie na b.roszkowski@mfind.pl.

Dlaczego warto pracować z nami?

  • Stawiamy na rozwój i transparentność. Ustalamy z każdym cele na 3-6 miesięcy. W tym czasie Ty podnosisz swoje skille (pomagamy Ci w tym finansując szkolenia, literaturę lub dostajesz projekty wzmacniające dane kompetencje), a my podnosimy Ci systematycznie wynagrodzenie.
  • Różnorodne projekty. O jakości programisty nie świadczą lata praktyki, ale liczba ciekawych, wymagających projektów, które zrealizował. U nas stawiamy nowe aplikacje praktycznie co 1-2 miesiące a czasem nawet częściej! Rozwijamy zarówno aplikacje klienckie (porównywarki, marketingowe), jak i wewnętrzne - biznesowe (call center). Masz okazję, aby się wykazać i rozwijać.
  • Pracujemy na nowych/nowoczesnych technologiach, w oparciu o architekturę mikroserwisów. Nasz stack to m.in. Ruby on Rails 5.0, jRuby, Sinatra, Rabbit MQ, Sidekiq, React, Angular, Vue.
  • Pracujemy zespołowo. Dzielimy się wiedzą. Organizujemy wspólne wewnętrzne warsztaty lunch&learn. Przy każdym zadaniu zespół jest zobowiązany do tego, aby Ci pomóc. Dzięki temu każdy od każdego uczy się czegoś nowego i rozwija się z prędkością światła.
  • Dbamy o dobre praktyki. Wysokie pokrycie testami, code review, czystość kodu, wysoka jakość finalnych produktów i przywiązywanie uwagi do detali to nasze mocne strony. Pracujemy w czystym SCRUM. Dobrze jest pracować w gronie profesjonalistów - to daje swobodę działania, ale wymaga odpowiedzialności.

Jak wygląda proces rekrutacji?

  • Po otrzymaniu zgłoszenia kontaktujemy się z Tobą i rozmawiamy na ogólne tematy związane z programowaniem, Twoją motywacją, przyszłością, wstępnie rozpoznajemy Twój poziom.
  • Dostajesz do wykonania zadanie rekrutacyjne.
  • Oceniamy zadanie. Dostajesz od nas w informacji zwrotnej co było dobrze zrobione, a co jest jeszcze do poprawy.
  • Umawiamy się na spotkanie i… finalizujemy rozmowy.

Czego szukamy w kandydatach?

  • minimum półrocznego doświadczenia komercyjnego w programowaniu lub solidne podstawy (Ruby, PHP)
  • znajomości:
  • baz danych: mySQL, postgreSQL
  • javascript
  • oraz mile widziane Ruby 2.0 +, Rails 4+
  • komunikatywności i umiejętności pracy w zespole
  • odpowiedzialności
  • chęci rozwoju (ale skoro jesteś devem - to musisz je mieć :))
  • reszty my Ciebie nauczymy!

Co oferujemy?

  • nasze widełki na start to 5000 - 6000 (na fakturę netto lub brutto w przypadku innej formy współpracy)
  • wolne dni, aby naładować baterie
  • duże możliwości nauki: używamy TDD, Code Review,, stosujemy gitflow
  • miejsce w jednym z 3 zespołów, działających w SCRUMie
  • regularny feedback dotyczący rozwoju
  • ścieżkę kariery (regularne podwyżki)
  • realny wpływ na produkt
  • pracę na full time w naszym biurze (na start brak możliwości pracy zdalnej)

Zainteresowanych prosimy o wysłanie swojego CV na maila b.roszkowski@mfind.pl.

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[Wrocław]Senior Ruby on Rails Developer @ Sigma ITC Polska; 9.0k-14.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer @ Sigma ITC Polska

Location: Wroclaw POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 9.0k-14.0k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Music Industry/Social media
Company Size: 30+
Project Team Size: 7

- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- RSpec

- Sinatra
- Elastic Search
- JavaScript
- Sidekiq/DelayedJob

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[Poznań, Kraków, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Wrocław]Junior Ruby on Rails Developer @netguru; 4.5k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Junior Ruby on Rails Developer @ Netguru

Location: Poznań, Kraków, Warszawa, Gdańsk, Wrocław POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 4.5k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Software House
Company Size: 300+
Project Team Size: min 3 / may vary

- Databases
- JavaScript
- Rspec
- Ruby on Rails
- Sass/HAML

- Javascript Framework
- Open source

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[remote]Ruby on Rails Developer @xteam; 4.0k-8.0k USD / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby on Rails Developer @ X-Team

Location: Fully remote job; Melbourne AUS
Employment Type: Contract
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (gross): 4.0k-8.0k USD / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Software
Company Size: 100+
Project Team Size: May vary

- Ruby on Rails

- PostgreSQL
- Redis

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[Fohlio Inc. | Remote] - Senior Full-Stack Ruby developer [from 3500$/month]


@ilya.andreyuk wrote:

We're looking for experienced Full-Stack Ruby developer to work on Fohlio which's interior design software. That's a long-term (potentionally many years) remote contract work in a small team.

- A deep knowledge of Ruby, Rails, JS, CSS
- Solid experience with SPA frameworks like React/AngularJS or willingness to learn React/Redux. The application is currently migrating from AngularJS to React/Redux so it's nice to have experience with at least one of them.
- Experience with Linux servers configuration on AWS.
- Upper intermediate English (both verbal and written skills)
- Solid collaboration and communication skills
- Willingness to work in fast-paced environment and communicate with client directly.

It's also nice to have skills in mobile development: React Native or iOS

What we offer:
- Remote work, flexible working hours, B2B contract
- Competitive salary: starts from 3500$ per month.
- Modern technology stack: Ruby, Rails, ES6, React, Redux, Sidekiq, AWS, Nginx, Redis.
- Completely flat hierarchy, you will have a direct impact on the product.

Fohlio Inc. is a company that provides architecture and interior design software.
Company website: https://www.fohlio.com/
If you have an interest, please contact by email ilya@fohlio.com or skype: ilya.andreyuk

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Programista Ruby on Rails - niemiecki - klient z Szwajcarii - 14.000 PLN - 17.000 PLN


@UnectAga wrote:

Dla jednego z naszych klientów z Szwajcarii poszukujemy doświadczonego programisty Ruby on Rails - platforma internetowa dedykowana branży nieruchomości stworzona w Ruby on Rails.
o dobra znajomość j. niemieckiego pozwalająca na czytanie ze zrozumieniem dokumentacji i source-code produktów (przynajmniej poziom B1/B2) – warunek konieczny
o wynagrodzenie 14.000 PLN - 17.000 PLN netto B2B (w zależności od Twojego
o pracę remote (2-3 tyg. pobyt u klienta - wdrożenie do projektu)
o długoterminową współpracę
o pracę w zespole ekspertów i dla międzynarodowych klientów
o imprezy integracyjne
o budżet na książki/konferencje
CV (w języku angielskim lub niemieckim) prosimy kierować na adres jobs@unect.de z dopiskiem: Programista RoR Szwajcaria.

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Front-end Developer [Wrocław or Berlin] Infopark AG [8500-13000 PLN Brutto]


@Conni wrote:

Infopark has been shaping the success of its partners in the web for two decades now. Today we are a young platform provider and assist our partners in the development of dialogue-oriented websites with Ruby on Rails.

At Infopark we are the first CMS manufacturer to offer the possibility to develop and operate websites in the cloud. The Infopark product is a platform consisting of CMS, WebCRM and infrastructure. It is provided as RubyGem and as REST-API and subsequently completes the RoR Stack for professional developers.

Infopark has won numerous awards for this technology.

What is waiting for you at Infopark?
You will design easy-to-use interfaces and customer websites, both for Web and Mobile - but always mobile first. Internally you will work with an excellent team that is eager to make your ideas happen; externally you will work with very demanding marketers and stakeholders.

What should you bring to the table?
* You have an expert understanding of core front-end technologies (Javascript, HTML5, CSS3).
* You have expert knowledge of front-end frameworks such as jQuery, Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Sass experience is a plus.
* You have advanced knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator, experience with Sketch is a plus.
* You have a good understanding of source-control systems, experience with Git is a plus.
* You know how to ensure cross-browser functionality and optimization for mobile devices.
* You think in user interactions rather then in still graphics.
* You prefer to work in fast communicating, agile teams.
* Your English is not just ‘ok', you have a very good command of the English language (oral and written).
* You are looking for something longer term and want to stay with us for many years.
* You value flexible hours and workplaces as well as a beautiful office.
* You want to live in the two best cities ever, Berlin or Wroclaw.

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.

We offer:
* highly competitive pay
* regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
* no time tracking
* no fixed office hours
* no fixed workplace but fancy offices
* free language classes in english and german
* generous holiday schedule
* an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
* weekly lunches and breakfasts
* a kitchen for cooking
* free books
* free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
* regular company social events
* free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
* for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
* state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.

We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now!:grin:

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Ruby-on-Rails Developer Senior & Junior [Wrocław] Infopark AG [8500-13000PLN]


@Conni wrote:

Your New Mission
You have a passion for developing software. No matter if you have the talent and still on the way to become a development guru or if you already are a professional and want to achieve the next level: In this job, you will work together with a world class team of developers who share your passion for software development in general and Ruby on Rails and JavaScript development in particular. We are looking for Ruby on Rails/JS developers working on projects as well as contributing to our own established SaaS offerings. The projects usually have a one to six month timeline while the work on our products is ongoing. Many of our products and projects develop and work with bleeding edge technologies and go where no programmer has gone before.

Your Responsibilities
You design, code, launch and maintain Ruby on Rails applications
You learn from your team as well as keep yourself up to date in software technologies
You create web applications for companies and organisations worldwide
You help our clients to improve their web sites and -applications, their digital communication and to digitalize their organisations in order to adapt to today’s fast-paced digital world
You work within an agile team

Your Experience
Building, maintaining and optimizing web applications
Advanced knowledge of Ruby on Rails
Proficiency in JavaScript (especially React.js and ES6) is a plus
Designing and working with APIs for web services
Deploying web applications on cloud services (especially AWS) and using their service oriented offerings
Developing scalable web services in distributed computing architectures
Working knowledge of search technologies (such as ElasticSearch), databases (SQL and NoSQL) and web development (HTML5/CSS3) with modern frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, …)
Experience with content management systems and/or e-commerce solutions is a plus
Building software as part of a distributed test-driven agile DevOps team, including code reviews, feature branching, continuous integration, etc.
English language skills are at minimum intermediate level, both written and spoken, preferable better
We care about talent, skills, and continuous self improvement and not how you've acquired these qualities – university, code school or self-thought.

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.

We offer:
highly competitive pay
regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
no time tracking
no fixed office hours
no fixed workplace but fancy offices
free language classes in english and german
generous holiday schedule
an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
weekly lunches and breakfasts
a kitchen for cooking
free books
free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
regular company social events
free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.
We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now!:smiley:

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Full Stack DevOps Engineer [Wrocław or Berlin] Infopark AG [8500-13000 PLN Brutto]


@Conni wrote:

Infopark has been shaping the success of its partners in the web for two decades now. Today we are a young platform provider and assist our partners in the development of dialogue-oriented websites with Ruby on Rails.
At Infopark we are the first CMS manufacturer to offer the possibility to develop and operate websites in the cloud. The Infopark product is a platform consisting of CMS, WebCRM and infrastructure. It is provided as RubyGem and as REST-API and subsequently completes the RoR Stack for professional developers.

Infopark has won numerous awards for this technology.

Your Responsibilities
* You design, code, launch and maintain interactive applications
* You deploy these applications to AWS and make use of its services ecosystem
* You'll monitor and automate deployment tasks and are responsible for scalability and availability
* You learn from your team as well as keep yourself up to date in software technologies
* You create web applications for companies and organisations worldwide
* You help our clients to improve their websites and applications, their digital communication and to digitalize their organisations in order to adapt to today’s fast-paced digital world
* You work within an agile team

Your Experience
* Building, maintaining and optimizing web applications
* Advanced knowledge of Ruby on Rails
* Proficiency in JavaScript (especially React.js and ES6) is a plus
* Designing and working with APIs for web services
* Deploying web applications on cloud services (especially AWS) and using their service oriented offerings
* Developing scalable web services in distributed computing architectures
* Working knowledge of search technologies (such as ElasticSearch), databases (SQL and NoSQL) and web development (HTML5/CSS3) with modern frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, …)
* Experience with content management systems and/or e-commerce solutions is a plus
* Building software as part of a distributed test-driven agile DevOps team, including code reviews, feature branching, continuous integration, etc.
* English language skills are at minimum intermediate level, both written and spoken, preferable better
* We care about talent, skills, and continuous self improvement and not how you've acquired these qualities – university, code school or self-thought

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.

We offer:
* highly competitive pay
* regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
* no time tracking
* no fixed office hours
* no fixed workplace but fancy offices
* free language classes in english and german
* generous holiday schedule
* an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
* weekly lunches and breakfasts
* a kitchen for cooking
* free books
* free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
* regular company social events
* free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
* for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
* state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.

We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now! :slight_smile:

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[Warszawa] Senior Ruby on Rails Developer


@Iza wrote:

kto: warszawski software house
projekty: dla międzynarodowych klientów (startups, e-commerce, open source)
praca w metodyce: agile scrum / scrumban

- Ruby on Rails (min. dwa lata doświadczenia komercyjnego)
- SOA, form/value objects
- cache
- PostgreSQL lub MySQL
- Rspec i Capybara
- ElasticSearch
- Sidekiq
- komunikatywny angielski (B2)
- Heroku i/lub AWS

mile widziane:
- Spree
- dry-rb

korzyści ze współpracy:
- wynagrodzenie 10000-16000 PLN netto (b2b/dzieło/zlecenie)
- płatny urlop
- premie projektowe i zadaniowe
- mentoring, code reviews, wskazówki dotyczące wyboru rozwiązań, rozwoju umiejętności
- ubezpieczenie medyczne, śniadania, karta sportowa
- sprzęt (MacBook lub Linux laptop + akcesoria)
- pakiet relokacyjny
- w wyjątkowych przypadkach możliwa jest współpraca zdalna

szukam też Ruby on Rail Developera i AWS Dev-Ops Engineer z mile widzianą znajomością Ruby i Ruby on Rails :slight_smile:

zainteresowanym chętnie podeślę szczegóły i przedstawię proces rekrutacji. Proszę o kontakt izabela.drozdz@itsystems.codes

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[Wrocław] Ruby on Rails Developer [9500 - 12000]


@SaraA wrote:

ASTEK Polska jest częścią dynamicznie rozwijającej się międzynarodowej Grupy ASTEK. Specjalizujemy się w outsourcingu kadry IT i realizacji projektów informatycznych. Zatrudniamy doświadczonych specjalistów dla liderów z obszarów bankowości, ubezpieczeń, telekomunikacji, hi-tech, farmacji i logistyki w Polsce i za granicą.

Aktualnie do naszego zespołu we Wrocławiu poszukujemy osób na stanowisko: Ruby Developer

Na stanowisku będziesz odpowiedzialny za:
-Tworzenie studia muzycznego online i platformy społecznościowej dla muzyków.
-Przetwarzanie i konwersję plików muzycznych i projektowanie interfejsów.
-Rozwijanie skalowalnych aplikacji webowych.
-Rozwijanie nowych funkcjonalności

-Co najmniej 2-letnie doświadczenie w programowaniu w języku Ruby
-Bardzo dobra znajomość angielskiego

Dodatkowymi atutami będą:
Wcześniejsza praca z frameworkiem Ruby on Rails
Znajomość jednej lub kilku technologii: Node JS, React Js, MySQL, Elasticksearch, MVC, AWS, Git

-Atrakcyjne wynagrodzenie
-Stabilne zatrudnienie i rozwój zawodowy w międzynarodowym środowisku
-Wybór preferowanej formy zatrudnienia
-Pracę na rzecz najbardziej rozpoznawalnych marek polskich i globalnych
-Szkolenia i treningi
-Długoterminowe i interesujące projekty
-Benefity pozapłacowe (m.in.: pakiet premium prywatnej opieki medycznej i kartę sportową), dobrą atmosferę pracy oraz spotkania integracyjne
-Stałe wsparcie opiekuna z ramienia ASTEK Polska
-Współpracę ze specjalistami w swojej dziedzinie

W przypadku zainteresowania, bardzo proszę o przesłanie swojej aplikacji na adres email: santczak@astek.pl

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[Białystok]Ruby on Rails Developer @ Intratel; 7.0k-11.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby on Rails Developer @ Intratel

Location: Białystok POL
Employment Type: Permanent
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (gross): 7.0k-11.0k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: IT/Cloud
Company Size: 25+
Project Team Size: min 3, max 6 (may vary)

- RSpec
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Clean Code
- PostgreSQL

- JavaScript
- Angular
- Node.js
- RabbitMQ

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[Praca zdalna]Remote Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer @ IRONIN sp. k.; 6.0k-12.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Remote Full-Stack Ruby on Rails Developer @ IRONIN sp. k.

Location: Fully remote job; Rzeszów Trójmiasto Warszawa Poznań POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 6.0k-12.0k PLN / Month
Category: Fullstack
Project Industry: Various
Company Size: 25+
Project Team Size: 5+

- Code Design Patterns
- Ruby on Rails
- JavaScript
- RSpec
- Sidekiq

- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- ElasticSearch
- Functional Programming

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[Kraków]Ruby on Rails Developer @ Nopio; 6.0k-12.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby on Rails Developer @ Nopio

Location: Kraków POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 6.0k-12.0k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Software House
Company Size: 12
Project Team Size: may vary

- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails

- Javascript
- React
- Angular
- Elastic Search

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[Wrocław] Full-stack Ruby Developer @Amsterdam Standard; 6000-10 000 B2B


@AmsterdamStandard wrote:

Cześć. Szukamy do naszego software house'u Programistę Ruby, w zasadzie full-stacka. Najchętniej mid, ale ogarnięty junior też wchodzi w grę :slight_smile:

:house_abandoned: Amsterdam Standard
:cityscape: Wrocław
:man:‍⚕Full-stack Ruby Developer
:moneybag: 6000 - 10 000 B2B w zależności od doświadczenia
:computer: praca stacjonarna, część możliwa zdalnie
:alarm_clock: elastyczne godziny
:coffee: pyszna kawa! :slight_smile:


  • ok. 2 lat doświadczenia w programowaniu w Ruby,
  • bardzo dobrej znajomości Ruby on Rails,
  • dobrej znajomości JavaScript,
  • znajomości baz danych PostgreSQL, MongoDB,
  • umiejętności zarządzania serwerami *NIX,
  • doświadczenia w pracy z web services,
  • znajomości wzorców projektowych,
  • umiejętności tworzenia testów jednostkowych oraz funkcjonalnych,
  • praktycznej znajomości systemów kontroli wersji oprogramowania (Git lub Mercurial),
  • komunikatywnej i swobodnej znajomości języka angielskiego.

Kontakt: praca@amsterdam-standard.pl

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[Format / Remote] - Full-Stack Rails Developer [13K PLN + 15K PLN bonus]


@domid wrote:

Po polsku w skrócie:

  • Szukamy Full-Stack RoR Dev’a do Format.com. Żadnych juniorów.
  • Praca Zdalna / Remote
  • Format.com to nasz produkt, nasza pasja.
  • Bootstrap startup. Ponad 7 lat pracy. Czasami robimy szum, TechCrunch.
  • Główna siedziba w Toronto, ponad 30 ludzi.
  • Team w którym będziesz pracować mówi po Polsku, znajduje się w Polsce.
  • Powinieneś móc samodzielnie i bez pomocy mamy komunikować się po Angielsku. Hello, Goodbye i takie tam. Product jest w sumie międzynarodowy.
  • Jak lubisz fotografię, grafikę lub sztukę, będzie Ci się podobało co tworzymy.
  • Grupa do której dołączysz to Growth Team. Dynamiczne projekty odpowiedzialne za dynamiczny rozwój firmy.
  • 15 tysi bonus.
  • Stawiamy również na rozwój osobisty.
  • Jeżeli chcesz odwiedzić kiedyś Toronto, pokryjemy koszty. Królowej nie ma ale za to wieża, ładna, fajna, stoi.
  • Chyba tyle.
  • Jeżeli zrozumiesz ogłoszenie poniżej, aplikuj.

We're growing and looking for a Full Stack Rails Developer to join our passionate and talented team. We're specifically looking for someone to join our remote team working in the Central European timezone, and who is fluent in both Polish and English.

You'll be part of our 15 member development team working to:
- Plan, implement, test, and ship new features
- Architect and deploy new infrastructure
- Investigate performance issues and execute improvements
- Analyze technology proposals and advise
- Hunt down bugs and fix root causes
- Support the efforts of our design, front-end, support, and marketing teams
- You're enthusiastic, have high standards and a keen attention to detail, and you instinctively take ownership of your work. You're excited at the idea of writing software that will be simple, easy to grok, but also performant and scalable when appropriate.

Some examples of recently launched development projects:
- Supporting our Front-End Developers as they transition existing interfaces to React+Redux
- Implementing client proofing pages for users to service their clients
- Launching v2 of our JSON API to support our Lightroom plugin and Theme development platforms
- Integrating Webtype fonts to allow users to use them on their portfolios
- Transitioning our platform to enforce SSL for all requests
- Every member of our team is expected to ship top-notch work and take complete ownership of their responsibilities. In return, this is an incredible opportunity to get down into the trenches of a growing business and product, work with cutting-edge technologies, be immersed in a seriously awesome company culture, and solve challenging problems daily.

- You have 3+ years experience building complex web applications.
- You are proficient in Ruby, Rails, RSpec, JavaScript/CoffeeScript/ES6, CSS/SCSS, HTML, MySQL.
- You would be perfectly comfortable modifying a jQuery library or writing a custom Ruby gem and bundling it into your own project.
- You are very comfortable with Git and GitHub.
- You enjoy the idea of deploying your own code on your first day of work and being responsible for what happens.
- You are passionate about user experience, whether that means multiple iterations to deliver a simple yet powerful UI, or an API which even the most novice developer could master.
- You are obsessive about reducing operational overhead whenever and wherever possible.
- You can make informed technology and implementation decisions and justify them.
- You can accurately set and meet deadlines.

Bonus Points if:
- You have a deep understanding of Git.
- You're comfortable writing and modifying React/Redux.
- You're familiar with Lua.
- You enjoy debating with others to advocate for what you think is best.
- You enjoy tinkering with new and interesting technologies for evaluation.

As this is a remote position, we're looking for someone well-suited to remote work. You should:
- Be willing to come visit us in Toronto once in awhile (travel paid by us, of course).
- Be comfortable with a workday that overlaps at least a few hours daily with our timezone (EST).
- Be comfortable working independently and able to set your own priorities.
- Have a propensity towards action. You don't like waiting for someone to wake up on the other side of the world and you'll figure out how to move forward on your own
- Be a great written communicator. Most of your interaction with the rest of the company will be over Slack, e-mail, and other messages.
- We use Mac computers. You should have your own Mac computer or be willing to purchase one and we are happy to help you do so if need be.

About Format:
Launched in 2008, Format.com has quietly become the leading online portfolio builder for professional visual artists around the world to exhibit, market and sell their work. Situated in the neighbourhood of Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with 45+ team members, tens of thousands of customers in over 190 countries, and voted the #1 online portfolio by photographers, designers and artists, we've come a long way, but have really only just begun.

Some of the benefits of working here include:
- We have an amazing team that will be eager to help you succeed in your role. Learn more about us: http://wayswework.io/features/format
- We pay competitive salaries and have flexible vacation and work-from-home policies
- We frequently celebrate hitting milestones after work (or in the middle of the day if it's sunny)
- We're proudly self-funded. We answer to our community and no one else!

This is a full-time position based remotely in Europe.

To apply, please fill out this form.

Only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted. No recruiters, please.
Format is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and is committed to building a work environment that is both diverse and inclusive. You will receive consideration for employment regardless of race, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, creed, disability, or age.

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Ruby developer gdańśk (pakiet relokacyjny)


@PiotrKacper wrote:

Nazywam się Piotr Kacprowicz jestem Konsultantem ds. Rekrutacji w firmie ITFS. Zajmujemy się outsourcingiem i rekrutacją specjalistów IT. Prowadzimy również własne projekty IT dla zagranicznego odbiorcy.

Poszukuje RUBY DEVELOPERA do pracy w Gdańsku ( klient oferuje pakiet relokacyjny)

Klientem jest duża firma Polska, której siedziba mieści się w Gdańsku, klient posiada narzędzia/produkty o międzynarodowym zasięgu (głównie w sektorze eCommerce - USA, Rosja w tej chwili ekspansja w Azji).

Informacje organizacyjne:

Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk,
Branża: Internet/ e-Commerce,
Forma współpracy: kontrakt lub inna do indywidualnego ustalenia,
Stawka: 550-700 zł/ dzień netto + Vat

Opis Projektu:

• Praca dla firmy rozpoznawalnej na rynku światowym. Firma jest w czołówce światowych firm związanych z marketingiem internetowym. Aplikację używa 250.000 aktywnych użytkowników, a dziennie przybywa ponad 20 milionów rekordów.
• Praca w doświadczonym zespole developerskim, który specjalizuje się w technologii Ruby on Rails i mam dostęp do najnowszych rozwiązań technologicznych.
• Udział przy projekcie systemu bilingowego platformy pobierającej płatności z kart kredytowych, debetowych
• Praca w zespołach Scrumowych


• 2-3 letnie doświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku
• Dobra znajomość Ruby
• Dobra znajomość MySQL
• Podstawowa wiedza HTML oraz JavaScript
• Umiejętność pracy w zespołach

Mile widziane:

• Ruby On Rails
• Sinatra
• Znajomość języków skryptowych

Wszelkie zapytania proszę kierować na adres mailowy

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Ruby on Rails Developer [Lublin] (8000-10000 PLN B2B lub umowa o pracę)


@BestHR wrote:

Obecnie dla naszego Klienta poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko Ruby on Rails Developer. Pracodawcą jest firma developerska z Lublina, która tworzy i wdraża innowacyjne systemy automatyzujące i usprawniających pracę dla zagranicznych klientów. Firma zatrudnia około 40 pracowników. Miejsce pracy to komfortowe biuro w centrum Lublina.

Pracodawca oferuje:

  • Wynagrodzenie w oparciu o umowę o pracę lub kontrakt (8 000 - 10 000 PLN)
  • Możliwość odbywania ciekawych podróży zagranicznych (USA, Europa, Azja)
  • Nieograniczony dostęp do platformy UDEMY
  • Opiekę medyczną
  • Kartę multisport
  • Różnorodne eventy, spotkania integracyjne
  • Przyjazną atmosferę współpracy w międzynarodowym środowisku.

Zgłoś się jeśli:

  • swobodnie komunikujesz się w języku angielskim
  • posiadasz komercyjne doświadczenie w programowaniu w Ruby on Rails
  • dobrze znasz HTML, CSS, JavaScript i jQuery
  • posiadasz praktyczną wiedzę na temat modelu MVC
  • znasz relacyjne bazy danych (SQL, PostgreSQL lub MySQL)
  • posiadasz znajomość OOP, UML i wzorców projektowych.

Twoje zadania:

  • Wdrażanie oprogramowania według specyfikacji przy użyciu nowoczesnych narzędzi i rozwiązań technologicznych
  • Aktywny udział w projektowaniu oprogramowania
  • Współpraca z innymi zespołami – programistami, testerami, projektantami
  • Udział w projektowaniu i wdrażaniu testów.

Wszystkie osoby zainteresowane zapraszamy do przesłania CV wraz załączoną klauzulą o ochronie danych osobowych na adres: praca@besthr.pl

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[Bit Zesty | Remote] - Senior Full-Stack Ruby developer [from 4000$ ~ 14297 PLN/Month]


@bitzesty wrote:

Hello, Bit Zesty is looking for a senior Ruby on Rails contractor, the position is fulltime and remote.

We are an innovation agency specialising in making digital experiences that create real value for users and organisations. We make digital products for clients across a variety of industries – including startups, large enterprises, charities and government bodies – as well as building and maintaining our own SaaS products.

We believe in creating a workplace where employees are given the opportunity to grow and better themselves, have their opinions heard, socialise with colleagues and genuinely enjoy the work they do every day. Our whole team is committed to working together to achieve industry-leading results.

You can read more about the job description here: https://bit-zesty.workable.com/jobs/271893

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