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[Warszawa]Ruby on Rails Developer @ Beside the Park


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby on Rails Developer @ Beside the Park

Location: Warszawa POL
Employment Type: Permanent
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (gross): 6.0k-10.0k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Software House
Company Size: 15+
Project Team Size: 2-5/may vary

- PostgreSQL
- React
- Ruby on Rails

- Amazon Web Services

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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Exlabs is looking for talented RoR Developer! Totally remote/Gliwice


@Dorota wrote:

We're looking for programming enthusiast with passion and a quick learning ability [Junior], a high creativity level and Ruby on Rails expertise [Mid], and last but not least - significant practice experience in a variety of projects [Senior].

And here is the fun part – we are looking for individuals that not only possess the technical skills of a rock star developer, but also the motivation to grow, build, and help lead an unstoppable team.

More info: http://exlabs.co.uk/career/ruby-on-rails-developer/

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[Remote or Krakow] Full Stack Ruby Developers (mid or senior level) [12-21k PLN, B2B, paid holidays]


@pbc wrote:


Global App Testing

Very well funded company within application testing industry in scale.
We have thousands of testers around the world who in an instant can QA/test any OS/Device.



We’re looking for full stack ruby developers who are proactive and are willing to learn new ways of looking at the code and it's design, so we can make our lives easier in the long run.

Your primary focus will be on all things backend and quite a bit of frontend. Most of the time you will be working within one of the small teams which are focused on a specific feature or a pipeline.

From time to time you will lead a small to medium size project focused on a specific feature, new application or a proof of concept.

If you like to dabble in various forms of AI too, then we will have quite a few challenges for you in this area because we’re building out our R&D / Data Science team right now.


  • negotiable salary, but within 12000 - 21000 PLN net a month on a VAT invoice (B2B), depending on your experience and quality of your code
  • paid holidays (all holidays in your country + up to 20 days)
  • permanent contract with a 6 months trial period
  • career progression within the development team up to a Lead Developer in Poland


Remote work.


  • communicating on a daily basis with the rest of the development team in Poland and UK via chat or google hangouts (video calls)
  • designing and implementing major new features for internal and external users (for e.g. Customers, Testers, Operations Team)
  • building modular code which has a clear separation of responsibility
  • optimizing applications for maximum speed and scalability if needed
  • leading a project or feature from time to time
  • solving various interesting problems around virtual machines, tester management, tester scoring, semi automated test execution, spam activity detection (also ML, natural language processing, neural networks down the line if you’re interested)
  • suggesting technologies that fit the problem at hand
  • suggesting technologies that you would like to try out because you sense that they can bring a lot to the table but had no chance to try them out yet
  • suggesting technologies and solutions which could be a game changer in our market (or any other market) if you spot something interesting
  • helping less experienced developers from time to time


Please keep in mind that you don't need to tick all the boxes here, because we will need to train you a bit either way, even if you are on a senior level.

  • good understanding of Ruby
  • good understanding of Ruby on Rails
  • good understanding of TDD and it's benefits to be able to code with and without it while keeping the code quality high (you need appropriate mindset when coding)
  • basic / entry level understanding of few of the SOLID principles
  • good understanding of front-end technologies and platforms, such as JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • good understanding of git code versioning tool


  • min 3 (4.5 senior devs) years of experience in backend development
  • have built highly scalable and robust systems in the past
  • designing and implementing complex applications (code complexity and data model complexity)
  • creating database schemas that represent and support business processes
  • integration with various internal and external APIs using opensource and custom built API connectors
  • data migration, transformation and scripting
  • outputting data in different formats


  • any experience with building NodeJS apps (both frontend and server apps)
  • any experience in latest ReactJS, ES5, ES6, Redux
  • any experience in latest Elixir, Phoenix
  • good understanding of how to apply SOLID principles in practice so you can help with training the team
  • any experience with AI (ML, NLP, Neural Networks of various types, Swarm Intelligence, Genetic Algorithms, etc.)


Our dedication to helping you become successful.
Responsibility and a real say in the future of the company.
You’ll have a role that will be vital to the company's growth and every idea you come up with will always be carefully considered



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[mfind] [Warszawa] [2000 - 5000 PLN] Baby/Junior Ruby on Rails developer


@Bartea wrote:

Jeśli jesteś z Warszawy (lub chcesz się tutaj przeprowadzić) i rozpocząć na dobre swoją przygodę z profesjonalnym programowaniem, uwielbiasz pracę zespołową, chcesz się szybciej niż dotychczas rozwijać podnosić swoje kompetencje oraz budować konkretny produkt/usługę, którą cenią klienci to mfind jest dla Ciebie idealnym miejscem. Szukamy 2 juniorów.

Wysłać swoje CV możesz wypełniając ten formularz: https://mfind-it-sp-z-oo.workable.com/jobs/273776/candidates/new lub wyślij na b.roszkowski(at)mfind.pl swoje CV.

Ofertę kieruję szczególnie do tych osób, które chciałby przyspieszyć swój rozwój. Dołączysz do 14 osobowego, doskonale zorganizowanego zespołu developerów, stosującego najnowsze technologie i najlepsze praktyki. Wejdziesz w świat programowania wyposażony w solidne podstawy. Jesteś zainteresowany? Napisz do mnie na b.roszkowski@mfind.pl lub tutaj.

Dlaczego warto pracować z nami?

  1. Stawiamy na rozwój i transparentność. Ustalamy z każdym cele na 3-6 miesięcy. W tym czasie Ty podnosisz swoje skille (pomagamy Ci w tym finansując szkolenia, literaturę lub dostajesz projekty wzmacniające dane kompetencje), a my podnosimy Ci systematycznie wynagrodzenie.
  2. Różnorodne projekty. O jakości programisty nie świadczą lata praktyki, ale liczba ciekawych, wymagających projektów, które zrealizował. U nas stawiamy nowe aplikacje praktycznie co 1-2 miesiące a czasem nawet częściej! Rozwijamy zarówno aplikacje klienckie (porównywarki, marketingowe), jak i wewnętrzne - biznesowe (call center). Masz okazję, aby się wykazać i rozwijać.
  3. Pracujemy na nowych/nowoczesnych technologiach, w oparciu o architekturę mikroserwisów. Nasz stack to m.in. Ruby on Rails 5.0, jRuby, Sinatra, Rabbit MQ, Sidekiq, React, Angular.
  4. Pracujemy zespołowo. Dzielimy się wiedzą. Organizujemy wspólne wewnętrzne warsztaty lunch&learn. Przy każdym zadaniu zespół jest zobowiązany do tego, aby Ci pomóc. Dzięki temu każdy od każdego uczy się czegoś nowego i rozwija się z prędkością światła.
  5. Dbamy o dobre praktyki. Wysokie pokrycie testami, code review, czystość kodu, wysoka jakość finalnych produktów i przywiązywanie uwagi do detali to nasze mocne strony. Pracujemy w czystym SCRUM. Dobrze jest pracować w gronie profesjonalistów - to daje swobodę działania, ale wymaga odpowiedzialności.

Jak wygląda proces rekrutacji?

  1. Po otrzymaniu zgłoszenia kontaktujemy się z Tobą i rozmawiamy na ogólne tematy związane z programowaniem, Twoją motywacją, przyszłością, wstępnie rozpoznajemy Twój poziom.
  2. Dostajesz do wykonania zadanie rekrutacyjne.
  3. Oceniamy zadanie. Dostajesz od nas w informacji zwrotnej co było dobrze zrobione, a co jest jeszcze do poprawy.
  4. Umawiamy się na spotkanie i… finalizujemy rozmowy.

Czego szukamy w kandydatach?

  • minimum półrocznego doświadczenia komercyjnego w programowaniu lub solidne podstawy (Ruby, PHP)
  • znajomości:
  • baz danych: mySQL, postgreSQL
  • javascript
  • oraz mile widziane Ruby 2.0 +, Rails 4+
  • komunikatywności i umiejętności pracy w zespole
  • odpowiedzialności
  • chęci rozwoju (ale skoro jesteś devem - to musisz je mieć :))
  • reszty my Ciebie nauczymy!

Co oferujemy?

  • nasze widełki na start to 2000 - 5000 (na fakturę netto lub brutto w przypadku innej formy współpracy)
  • wolne dni, aby naładować baterie
  • duże możliwości nauki: używamy TDD, Code Review,, stosujemy gitflow
  • miejsce w jednym z 3 zespołów, działających w SCRUMie
  • regularny feedback dotyczący rozwoju
  • ścieżkę kariery
  • realny wpływ na produkt
  • pracę na full time w naszym biurze

Zainteresowanych prosimy o wysłanie swojego CV za pośrednictwem formularza https://mfind-it-sp-z-oo.workable.com/jobs/273776/candidates/new lub po prostu na maila b.roszkowski@mfind.pl.

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Participants: 2

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[Pracac zdalna]Senior Full-stack (Rails + Ember.js) Remote Developer @ BookingSync; 2.5k-4.5k EUR / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Senior Full-stack (Rails + Ember.js) Remote Developer @ BookingSync

Location: Fully remote job
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 2.5k-4.5k EUR / Month
Category: Fullstack
Project Industry: Vacation Rental Software, Tourism Technology
Company Size: 30+
Project Team Size: 3 min / 30 max - really varies

- Ember
- Ruby on Rails

- Design

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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[Krakow] Ruby on Rails Developer, up to 16k PLN net


@radek_luxdone wrote:

:nerd: Ruby on Rails Developer
:moneybag: Up to 16k PLN net
:earth_africa: Luxdone | Westerplatte 3/6, Krakow
:computer: https://luxdone.com

Hi, we are looking for Ruby on Rails Developers.

:point_right: Required:

:arrow_right:️ Ruby :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right:️ Ruby on Rails :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:
:arrow_right:️ JavaScript :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:

:point_right: Nice to have:

:arrow_right:️ Ember.js || React || AngularJS :small_orange_diamond::small_orange_diamond:

:gift: Benefits:

:video_game: Gaming chair DXRacer
:coffee: Great coffee
:sunglasses: Lack of redundant bureaucracy
:palm_tree: Remote work - partly

:fire: Apply:

:e-mail: contact@luxdone.com

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Zlecę napisanie kilku pluginów w ruby do sketchupa


@marcin73 wrote:

Zlecę napisanie kilku pluginów do programu graficznego Sketchup.
Niezbędne doświadczenie w ruby, html, javascript

Zainteresowane osoby proszę o kontakt Marcin Jankowski 609245428

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[Wrocłlaw]Ruby On Rails Developer @ The Masters; 5.2k-8.4k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby On Rails Developer @ The Masters

Location: Wrocław POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 5.2k-8.4k PLN / Month
Category: Backend
Project Industry: Software House
Company Size: 20
Project Team Size: may vary

- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Databases
- RSpec

- AngularJS
- JS

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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Poszukiwany Ruby on Rails Developer!


@AKSmartMBC wrote:

Dla naszego klienta OnlineIdea poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko:

Ruby on Rails Developer

OnlineIdea tworzy dedykowane aplikacje webowe oraz rozwija własną sieć produktów. Aktualnie nasz klient powiększa swój zespół developerów kierując się chęcią rozszerzenia zaplecza profesjonalnego wsparcia programistycznego i badawczego.

Opis stanowiska:

  • Poszukujemy developerów, którzy:
  • Posiadają minimum 2 lata doświadczenia jako programiści Ruby on Rails;
  • Są zaprzyjaźnieni z językami Sass oraz HAML;
  • Znają MySQL, PostgreSQL;
  • Korzystają z frameworków JS;
  • Posiadają doświadczenie w TDD/RSpec;
  • Swobodnie radzą sobie z Shellem;
  • Dobrze orientują się w narzędziach kontroli wersji (GIT/Mercurial);
  • Znają język angielski w mowie i piśmie przynajmniej na poziomie B2.

Kogo szukamy?

  • Jesteś osobą zorientowaną na szybkie rozwiązywanie problemów?
  • Teamwork nie jest Ci obcy?
  • Umiesz wyznaczać sobie cele i skrupulatnie dążysz do ich realizacji?
  • Potrafisz krytycznie oceniać sytuacje i wyciągać z nich trafne wnioski?
  • Jeśli na większość z powyższych pytań Twoja odpowiedź brzmi TAK, to znaczy, że szukamy właśnie Ciebie!

Co możemy Ci zaoferować?

  • Bardzo dobre wynagrodzenie: 6000 - 9500 zł netto (przy współpracy B2B) z możliwością negocjacji w przypadku umowy o pracę/umowy zlecenia;
  • Możliwości rozwoju i szybkiego awansu, gdyż wyznajemy zasady merytokracji;
  • Dajemy Ci pełną bazę wiedzy i dostęp do narzędzi rozwoju;
  • Wysokiej jakości narzędzia pracy - pracujemy wyłącznie na Macbookach :wink:
  • Pełen profesjonalizm w swobodnej, niekorporacyjnej atmosferze.

Jeśli zainteresowała Cię nasza oferta, nie czekaj! Aplikuj już teraz pod linkiem: https://app.hrappka.pl/offer/view/96eb8927c41dbb676cd70fe4bbfbce60/2772/www

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RoR - mid, albo junior, który zbliża się do tego poziomu poszukiwany


@hand2band wrote:

[Trójmiasto, można próbować zdalnie] - RoR - mid, albo junior, który zbliża się do tego poziomu. Widełki lubimy podawać osobiście - mamy nadzieję, że to nie problem.

Poszukujemy do Hand2band.media kolejnego wariata, który lubi klepać w klawiaturę!
Lubisz ekstremalne sporty, adrenalina rozsadza Ci mózg, a ręce same rwą się do broni. Nie masz zahamowań, a Twoja mama ciągle pyta: "Kulfon, kulfon co z Ciebie wyrośnie?" - no to... ta praca nie jest praca dla Ciebie.

- nie jest Ci obca technologia Ruby on Rails - min. rok komercyjnego doświadczenia, jak nie masz doświadczenia to przynajmniej szybko się uczysz.
- mówisz po angielsku lepiej niż kolega ze wsi, który wyjechał z kraju w 2007.
- Nie wiesz co to strach, kiedy termin goni. A znajomi mówią do Ciebie po hiszpańsku - Pablo, estás loco!
- Potrafisz się zachować w towarzystwie ludzi, którzy nie potrafią czasem się dobrze zachować.
- Masz poczucie humoru, które nie ogranicza się do żartów które usłyszałeś u cioci na imieninach.

To właśnie Ciebie szukamy!

Więcej informacji otrzymasz... jak się odezwiesz. A jeśli masz za ciężką rękę żeby wysłać CV, ale lekką by napisać komentarz z pytaniem odnośnie tej oferty - to wiedz, że może Ci się poszczęści i na niego odpowiemy.

Wolimy jednak toczyć rozmowy za zamkniętymi drzwiami - bo traktujemy ludzi poważnie. Serio.
Wyślij swoje CV na: praca@hand2band.media lub też damian@hand2band.media w temacie maila możesz też wpisać: "Pablo, estás loco!", będę wiedział o co chodzi.

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[Remote] Ruby Developer [13-15k / Month]


@vlogIT wrote:

We work 100% remotely!

We are searching for Ruby Developer who would like to work for independent startup which creates unique products for agriculture market.

Moreover, you will work in great international team of Ruby Developers whom biggest desire is to learn and to create.

You will help to create and shape an innovative product that will revolutionize farm management as we know it. As a Ruby Engineer, you will be solving complex programming tasks and responsible for technical management support.

We are looking for a person who:
• 3+ years of experience as a Ruby on Rails developer
• Experience with a frontend framework
• Several years of experience designing and implementing REST API’s
• Proficiency in English
• Loves to experiment with new technologies

What we offer:
• Contract B2B
• Work with modern technology (Incl. Ruby 2, JS React, PostgreSQL)
• International working environment in an dynamic and fast growing ICT company
• Opportunity to shape a new innovative online product with high social and economic impact
• Development opportunities in a young and growing team

Contact: hr@vlog.pl

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Infopark AG [Wroclaw] Ruby-on-Rails Developer [8500-13000 PLN Brutto]


@Conni wrote:

Your New Mission
You have a passion for developing software. No matter if you have the talent and still on the way to become a development guru or if you already are a professional and want to achieve the next level: In this job, you will work together with a world class team of developers who share your passion for software development in general and Ruby on Rails and JavaScript development in particular. We are looking for Ruby on Rails/JS developers working on projects as well as contributing to our own established SaaS offerings. The projects usually have a one to six month timeline while the work on our products is ongoing. Many of our products and projects develop and work with bleeding edge technologies and go where no programmer has gone before.

Your Responsibilities:
* You design, code, launch and maintain Ruby on Rails applications
* You learn from your team as well as keep yourself up to date in software technologies
* You create web applications for companies and organisations worldwide
* You help our clients to improve their web sites and -applications, their digital communication and to digitalize their organisations in order to adapt to today’s fast-paced digital world
* You work within an agile team

Your Experience:
* Building, maintaining and optimizing web applications
* Advanced knowledge of Ruby on Rails
* Proficiency in JavaScript (especially React.js and ES6) is a plus
* Designing and working with APIs for web services
* Deploying web applications on cloud services (especially AWS) and using their service oriented offerings
* Developing scalable web services in distributed computing architectures
* Working knowledge of search technologies (such as ElasticSearch), databases (SQL and NoSQL) and web development (HTML5/CSS3) with modern frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, …)
* Experience with content management systems and/or e-commerce solutions is a plus
* Building software as part of a distributed test-driven agile DevOps team, including code reviews, feature branching, continuous integration, etc.
* English language skills are at minimum intermediate level, both written and spoken, preferable better

We care about talent, skills, and continuous self improvement and not how you've acquired these qualities – university, code school or self-thought.

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.
We offer:

  • highly competitive pay
  • regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
  • no time tracking
  • no fixed office hours
  • no fixed workplace but fancy offices
  • free language classes in english and german
  • generous holiday schedule
  • an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
  • weekly lunches and breakfasts
  • a kitchen for cooking
  • free books
  • free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
  • regular company social events
  • free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
  • for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
  • state-of-the-art equipment
  • We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.

We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now!

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Infopark AG [Wroclaw] Front-end Developer [8500-13000 PLN Brutto]


@Conni wrote:

Infopark has been shaping the success of its partners in the web for two decades now. Today we are a young platform provider and assist our partners in the development of dialogue-oriented websites with Ruby on Rails.
At Infopark we are the first CMS manufacturer to offer the possibility to develop and operate websites in the cloud. The Infopark product is a platform consisting of CMS, WebCRM and infrastructure. It is provided as RubyGem and as REST-API and subsequently completes the RoR Stack for professional developers.

Infopark has won numerous awards for this technology.

What is waiting for you at Infopark?
You will design easy-to-use interfaces and customer websites, both for Web and Mobile - but always mobile first. Internally you will work with an excellent team that is eager to make your ideas happen; externally you will work with very demanding marketers and stakeholders.

What should you bring to the table?
* You have an expert understanding of core front-end technologies (Javascript, HTML5, CSS3).
* You have expert knowledge of front-end frameworks such as jQuery, Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Sass experience is a plus.
* You have advanced knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator, experience with Sketch is a plus.
* You have a good understanding of source-control systems, experience with Git is a plus.
* You know how to ensure cross-browser functionality and optimization for mobile devices.
* You think in user interactions rather then in still graphics.
* You prefer to work in fast communicating, agile teams.
* Your English is not just ‘ok', you have a very good command of the English language (oral and written).
* You are looking for something longer term and want to stay with us for many years.
* You value flexible hours and workplaces as well as a beautiful office.
* You want to live in the two best cities ever, Berlin or Wroclaw.

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.
We offer:
* highly competitive pay
* regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
* no time tracking
* no fixed office hours
* no fixed workplace but fancy offices
* free language classes in english and german
* generous holiday schedule
* an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
* weekly lunches and breakfasts
* a kitchen for cooking
* free books
* free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
* regular company social events
* free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
* for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
* state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.

We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now!

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Infopark AG [Wroclaw] Full Stack DevOps Engineer [8500-13000 PLN Brutto]


@Conni wrote:

Infopark has been shaping the success of its partners in the web for two decades now. Today we are a young platform provider and assist our partners in the development of dialogue-oriented websites with Ruby on Rails.
At Infopark we are the first CMS manufacturer to offer the possibility to develop and operate websites in the cloud. The Infopark product is a platform consisting of CMS, WebCRM and infrastructure. It is provided as RubyGem and as REST-API and subsequently completes the RoR Stack for professional developers.

Infopark has won numerous awards for this technology.

Your Responsibilities
* You design, code, launch and maintain interactive applications
* You deploy these applications to AWS and make use of its services ecosystem
* You'll monitor and automate deployment tasks and are responsible for scalability and availability
* You learn from your team as well as keep yourself up to date in software technologies
* You create web applications for companies and organisations worldwide
* You help our clients to improve their websites and applications, their digital communication and to digitalize their organisations in order to adapt to today’s fast-paced digital world
* You work within an agile team

Your Experience
* Building, maintaining and optimizing web applications
* Advanced knowledge of Ruby on Rails
* Proficiency in JavaScript (especially React.js and ES6) is a plus
* Designing and working with APIs for web services
* Deploying web applications on cloud services (especially AWS) and using their service oriented offerings
* Developing scalable web services in distributed computing architectures
* Working knowledge of search technologies (such as ElasticSearch), databases (SQL and NoSQL) and web development (HTML5/CSS3) with modern frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation, …)
* Experience with content management systems and/or e-commerce solutions is a plus
* Building software as part of a distributed test-driven agile DevOps team, including code reviews, feature branching, continuous integration, etc.
* English language skills are at minimum intermediate level, both written and spoken, preferable better
* We care about talent, skills, and continuous self improvement and not how you've acquired these qualities – university, code school or self-thought

The Team
The size of each team varies from 2 to 10 developers. This keeps you away from dull routine and just being a cog in the machine. We work agile only. As a member of such a team, you'll have the opportunity to share your ideas and contribute to various ongoing and new projects. You can also switch between teams, if you like.

A Cool and Productive Workplace
We like what you like, because we assume that you know best, what is your most productive working environment. Therefore we decided to establish a flexible remote working environment. We use tools such as Slack, Github, Hangouts or Trello to work from whatever place you are located. Besides working from home or from the cafe around the corner, our offices offer different workplace styles like a cafe, hack-bars, co-working areas, silent areas, meeting rooms, single offices, project rooms, telephone booths as well as relax areas with sofas and couches. All of them have in common that they are well equipped with the newest tech and have ergonomically awarded furniture. Each teammate is provided with an Apple MacBook Pro and an iPhone.

A Nice and Friendly Company
Infopark is a software development house established in one of Europe’s most important tech-hubs, Berlin, but we work all over the western hemisphere and are currently launching a branch in Wrocław. Founded in 1994 by two students, Infopark has kept its start-up vibes while growing to a solid and proven corporation. Our mission is to make the world a better place by developing and providing software to our customers. We are committed to innovation.
Therefore, we develop and support cloud based software (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) for our customers, coming from many different industries. With our work, we are merging business with technology. Our software is used by thousands of customers on a daily basis. Our team currently includes 70+ motivated specialists.
We are not a chaotic startup with long hours of overtime, but rather prefer a professional environment with teamwork and responsibilities. Also, we are not a development shop of some monster company off-shore. We are not driven by commands and structures, we prefer common sense, humor and respect for each other. You can contact all employees directly, including the founders, and extensive communication between employees is encouraged. Our external and internal communication is in English.
We believe in a friendly, collaborative and educational working environment, but strive always for excellence.

Your Benefits
If you’re talented, we believe there’s no benefit in this world that they help you to get over a dull job or terrible superiors. Therefore, our major effort is to create an exciting environment, interesting projects and great software.
But of course, if you’re prepared to contribute to our success you will be rewarded and will participate on the results our work delivers.
We offer:
* highly competitive pay
* regular contract with social security plans and flexible vacation
* no time tracking
* no fixed office hours
* no fixed workplace but fancy offices
* free language classes in english and german
* generous holiday schedule
* an unlimited number of table tennis & foosball matches
* weekly lunches and breakfasts
* a kitchen for cooking
* free books
* free supply of fruit and drinks as well as a great coffee machine (and tea!)
* regular company social events
* free choice of working location: home or our offices in Berlin and Wrocław
* for students we offer all flexibility to get your stuff done at the university as well
* state-of-the-art equipment
We offer you lots of fun-filled workdays, an interesting position, and plenty of challenges at a solid company, making sure you never feel bored.

Multisport Card and Private Insurance can be negotiated.

We want YOU to join our team! Just click the link below and apply now!

Posts: 1

Participants: 1

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Full-stack Ruby Engineer | zdalnie | 11.000 - 14.000 PLN


@Ada wrote:

Beta District to firma z Hong Kongu, która w oparciu o technologię blockchain tworzy platformę do płatności BitCoinami oraz aplikację gier kasynowych.

Szukamy Full-stack Engineera, który będzie współpracować zdalnie lub z poznańskiego biura z zespołami z Hong Kongu, Odessy i Londynu.

Nasz stack to: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, GoLang, Java.

Widełki: 11.000 - 14.000 PLN netto B2B / UoP

Kontakt: adriana@beetalents.com

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Migracja pluginu z Redmine do OpenProject

Cotygodniowa prasówka dla Ruby Developerów #3


@tomasz.ganski wrote:

Jak co piątek :point_right: Zapraszam do prasówki Ruby Developerów! 🥊

Zapraszam do piątkowej prasówki, gdzie umieszczam oferty w zbiorczej formie, tak, aby każdy miał nieco łatwiejsze rozeznanie w stawkach na rynku. Pozdrawiam wszystkich Rubiowców i oczywiście udanego weekendu. :wink:
Z tygodnia na tydzień jest tego na https://justjoin.it/ nieco więcej :slight_smile:

:earth_africa: Ruby on Rails Dev/ Netguru: 6.5-8.5K: http://bit.ly/2xlxsdS
:earth_africa: Ruby on Rails Dev/ VentureDevs: 11-14K: http://bit.ly/2lkYCft
:earth_africa: Programista Ruby/ Polcode: 5-10K: http://bit.ly/2z2KZnS
:earth_africa: Ruby Dev/ Ragnarson: 7-11K: http://bit.ly/2xkSxoW
:earth_africa: Senior Ruby/ Ragnarson: 11-17K: http://bit.ly/2z21sZk
:earth_africa: Senior Ruby/ OutsourcingIT: 11-14K: http://bit.ly/2zC4YKd
:earth_africa: Ruby on Rails Dev/ Netguru: 10.5-15K: http://bit.ly/2y9DoqQ
:earth_africa: Senior Ruby/ Startup House: 10-16K: http://bit.ly/2xkteTD
:earth_africa: Software Engineer/ SchoolKeep: 14-16K: http://bit.ly/2y6ZytH

:dart: Junior Ruby Dev/ Startup House: 3-5K: http://bit.ly/2xlaXpt
:dart: Ruby Dev/ Spark Solutions: 5-10K: http://bit.ly/2z4cHka
:dart: Senior Ruby/ Spark Solutions: 10-16K: http://bit.ly/2xlafbG
:dart: Ruby Dev/ Beside the Park: 7-11K: http://bit.ly/2z3tKma
:dart: Programista Ruby/ Astarium: 5-7K: http://bit.ly/2yfKgSA
:dart: Full-stack engineer/ Unamo: 3-5K: http://bit.ly/2z1tbcB
:dart: Ruby Dev/ Startup House: 6-12K: http://bit.ly/2xlvMBd
:dart: Junior/Mid Ruby/ mfind: 5-6K: http://bit.ly/2z2RcQD
:dart: Mid Ruby on Rails Dev/ Raffine: 6-8K: http://bit.ly/2g6UwSs
:dart: Senior Ruby/ Spark Solutions: 10-16K: http://bit.ly/2z37Akn
:dart: Ruby Dev/ Ideamotive: 6.5-12.5K: http://bit.ly/2z1rV9B
:dart: Ruby on Rails Dev/ Startup House: 6-12K: http://bit.ly/2xlgFI3
:dart: Ruby Dev/ NewPerspective: 6-12K: http://bit.ly/2xktged
:dart: Senior RoR/ NewPerspective: 14-24K: http://bit.ly/2z1rVX9
:dart: Ruby on Rails/ Polcode: 5-10K: http://bit.ly/2z2KZnS
:dart: Mid Dev/ Topsteptrader: 10-15K: http://bit.ly/2xm3feD
:dart: Senior Dev/ Topsteptrader: 19-24K: http://bit.ly/2z122Xv
:dart: Ruby Dev/ Raffine: 7-10K: http://bit.ly/2y8sKkb
:dart: Junior Ruby Devs/ Spark Solutions: 3-5K: http://bit.ly/2xktfa9
:dart: Ruby Admin/ Raffine: 8-11K: http://bit.ly/2xklukN
:dart: Junior Ruby Dev/ Ideamotive: 2.5-4.5K: http://bit.ly/2z1rWKH
:dart: Senior Ruby/ codequest: 10-15K: http://bit.ly/2z1tc09
:dart: Ruby Dev/ 6-10K: http://bit.ly/2zC54S5
:dart: Senior Ruby/ Startup House: 10-16K: http://bit.ly/2xkteTD
:dart: Senior Dev/ Startup House: 10-16K: http://bit.ly/2xmSUPw
:dart: Ruby Dev/ codequest: 6-10K: http://bit.ly/2xk3VBv

:dart: Ruby Dev/ Infopark AG: 8.5-13K: http://bit.ly/2z2KZ7m
:dart: Front-end Dev/ Infopark AG: 8.5-13K: http://bit.ly/2z2ccae
:dart: Full Stack/ Infopark AG: 8.5-13K: http://bit.ly/2xlGqaU
:dart: Ruby Dev/ RST: 8-10K: http://bit.ly/2z2QuTl
:dart: Ruby Dev/ Angry Nerds: 6-11K: http://bit.ly/2xkz1bY
:dart: Ruby/ Droids On Roids: 6.5-8.5K: http://bit.ly/2z1NgQ4
:dart: Ruby Dev/ The Masters: 5.2-8.4K: http://bit.ly/2y9hyUb
:dart: Software Engineer/ SchoolKeep: 14-16K: http://bit.ly/2y6ZytH

:dart: Ruby developer/ Nordcloud: 10-13K: http://bit.ly/2xlGreY
:dart: Ruby on Rails Dev/ Netguru: 6.5-8.5K: http://bit.ly/2xlxsdS
:dart: Ruby on Rails Dev/ VentureDevs: 11-14K: http://bit.ly/2lkYCft
:dart: Senior Ruby Dev/ Netguru: 10.5-15K: http://bit.ly/2y9DoqQ
:dart: Ruby/ Siepomaga.pl: 6-10K: http://bit.ly/2z2cZYG
:dart: Ruby on Rails Dev/ OnlineIdea: 6.5-9K: http://bit.ly/2z2oAXC

:dart: Junior Ruby/ ReasonApps: 2-3K: http://bit.ly/2xlz6MC
:dart: Ruby on Rails Dev/ ReasonApps: 3-5K: http://bit.ly/2g6UHx6
:dart: Full-Stack Dev/ Paladin Software: 9-15K: http://bit.ly/2xktfqF
:dart: Senior Ruby/ DataFeedWatch: 10-12K: http://bit.ly/2z2RcA7
:dart: Ruby on Rails developer/ u2i: 10-17K: http://bit.ly/2z2WWdd
:dart: Senior Ruby/ u2i: 17-23K: http://bit.ly/2z1NhU8

:dart: Ruby on Rails Dev/ Ragnarson: 7-11K: http://bit.ly/2xkSxoW
:dart: Senior Ruby Dev/ Ragnarson: 11-17K: http://bit.ly/2z21sZk

Dołącz do prasówki i dodaj ogłoszenie w tym miejscu :arrow_heading_down:
:point_right: https://justjoin.it/add-offer :wink::ok_hand:

W sumie projekt https://justjoin.it/ skupia już :chart_with_upwards_trend: 800 ofert pracy z niemal 300 firm, a także 35 miast z całej Polski. 🧐 Daje to największy wybór pracy polskim programistom spośród branżowych portali z ogłoszeniami pracy w branży IT. :fire::fire:

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[Berlin,Wrocław]Ruby on Rails Developer @ Infopark AG; 8.5k-13.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

Ruby on Rails Developer @ Infopark AG

Location: Berlin DEU; Wroclaw POL
Employment Type: Permanent
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (gross): 8.5k-13.0k PLN / Month
Category: Fullstack
Project Industry: Software House
Company Size: 70+
Project Team Size: 10/max

- Ruby on Rails
- passion for developing software
- JavaScript

- DevOps
- E-Commerce-Solutions

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.

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Participants: 1

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[Warszawa]React / React Native / Rails Developer @ Memcare Technologies AS; 10.0k-19.0k PLN / Month


@Patrycja_NFJ wrote:

React / React Native / Rails Developer @ Memcare Technologies AS

Location: Warszawa POL
Employment Type: B2B
Start Date: ASAP
Salary (invoice net amount): 10.0k-19.0k PLN / Month
Category: Fullstack
Project Industry: Various
Company Size: 3+
Project Team Size: min 2, expansion planned

- Javascript
- React

- React Native
- Ruby on Rails

More info and apply form on nofluffjobs.com

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Ruby on Rails Developer [Poznań]


@AKSmartMBC wrote:

Dla naszego klienta OnlineIdea poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko:

Ruby on Rails Developer

OnlineIdea tworzy dedykowane aplikacje webowe oraz rozwija własną sieć produktów. Aktualnie nasz klient powiększa swój zespół developerów kierując się chęcią rozszerzenia zaplecza profesjonalnego wsparcia programistycznego i badawczego.

Opis stanowiska:

  • Poszukujemy developerów, którzy:
  • Posiadają minimum 2 lata doświadczenia jako programiści Ruby on Rails;
  • Są zaprzyjaźnieni z językami Sass oraz HAML;
  • Znają MySQL, PostgreSQL;
  • Korzystają z frameworków JS;
  • Posiadają doświadczenie w TDD/RSpec;
  • Swobodnie radzą sobie z Shellem;
  • Dobrze orientują się w narzędziach kontroli wersji (GIT/Mercurial);
  • Znają język angielski w mowie i piśmie przynajmniej na poziomie B2.

Kogo szukamy?

  • Jesteś osobą zorientowaną na szybkie rozwiązywanie problemów?
  • Teamwork nie jest Ci obcy?
  • Umiesz wyznaczać sobie cele i skrupulatnie dążysz do ich realizacji?
  • Potrafisz krytycznie oceniać sytuacje i wyciągać z nich trafne wnioski?
  • Jeśli na większość z powyższych pytań Twoja odpowiedź brzmi TAK, to znaczy, że szukamy właśnie Ciebie!

Co możemy Ci zaoferować?

  • Bardzo dobre wynagrodzenie: 6000 - 9500 zł netto (przy współpracy B2B) z możliwością negocjacji w przypadku umowy o pracę/umowy zlecenia;
  • Możliwości rozwoju i szybkiego awansu, gdyż wyznajemy zasady merytokracji;
  • Dajemy Ci pełną bazę wiedzy i dostęp do narzędzi rozwoju;
  • Wysokiej jakości narzędzia pracy - pracujemy wyłącznie na Macbookach :wink:
  • Pełen profesjonalizm w swobodnej, niekorporacyjnej atmosferze.

Jeśli zainteresowała Cię nasza oferta, nie czekaj! Aplikuj już teraz pod linkiem: https://app.hrappka.pl/offer/view/96eb8927c41dbb676cd70fe4bbfbce60/2772/www11

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